Welcome to my official web site! Here it's all about me, beeing a Square Dance Caller and Entrepreneur. For over 20 years now I've been calling on many smaller and bigger events all through europe. My current calling programs are Basic through A2.
In my professional life I am CEO of the advertising agencie B2B Design e.K. and mynewbrand. The centre of my life lays virtually in the centre of Germany in Würzburg.
I want to thank all the clubs for their confidence and look forward to the upcoming events.
25.01.2025 Dive In, Forchheim e.V.
01.12.2024 Plus Café Stuttgart
01.02.2025 3rd Big River Dance, Danmark
25.10.2025 35. Muffigel Dance, Hüttlingen
31.07.-03.08.2025 8. Sommer Tanz Tage, Österreich
05.-09.11.2025 20th Holiday Weekend